A Day in My Life


For this project, I tracked a day in my life and then turned it into a film. Making the pie chart in Adobe Illustrator, finding pictures on openverse, and editing the film in Premiere Pro were the hardest parts of the assignment. Overall, it was enlightening and reflective to catalog my day and analyze it.


Color Palette

Pie Chart


I’m Meredith Morgan, and this is my day on May 31, 2023. I woke up and got ready for school, drove to school, and spent 3 hours at school and then ate lunch. I then spent another hour at school, and afterwards spent an hour socializing. Then I had NHS induction, which I counted as an extracurricular activity, and after that I spent more time with my friends. I drove home and napped for an hour and a half, and then played with my dogs for a half hour. Then, I spent about 45 minutes texting people or going on social media. Next, I spent two hours studying, I had the SAT the following weekend. Then, I made my dinner and ate it in half an hour, and after that, I spent another hour studying. I was done for the night, so spent about half an hour showering, and getting ready for bed. Lastly, I spent about an hour texting people and going on social media and then went to bed. I spent 8 hours sleeping. It was overall one of my more chill days. 

Audio Editing


Video Editing

The Documentary

A Day In My Life

What I Learned & Problems I Solved

The most important things I learned were how I currently spend most of my days, and how I can spend my time more efficiently. I struggled with making the pie chart in Adobe Illustrator, but I got help from my classmates who understood the software better than me. I also made a mistake before I exported my film where I deleted all the pictures I had used, because my desktop was cluttered, which I now know I can’t do until after I’ve exported my film. Once I had fixed that problem with help from Leduc and I exported my film, it was only exporting one second. We had to do some googling and watch a few videos to figure it out but I was finally able to export the whole film.

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